Sunday, May 29, 2011

Love: the Droid market

I love the Droid market. There are so many apps that you can download for free. From the normal ones that tell you about the news, Hollywood gossip, counting calories. To the outrageous, like poop log which let's you log your poop and even upload pics of it if you feel so inclined. Or log your menstrual period and your fertile days.
Anything goes in the Droid market, and I love it.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Love: Starbucks grande non-fat vanilla latte

 My yummy wake me up beverage

Man, do I LOVE the grande non-fat vanilla latte. I mean, I LOVE IT. It's my favorite coffee beverage of all time. I like it hot in the winter and ice cold in the summer. And I do prefer to say "non-fat" as opposed to "skinny". I can't explain why, I just do even though I found out recently that they both mean the same thing.

Thank you Starbucks for perfecting the vanilla latte for me. I feel like life is worth living and the world is my oyster.

Sorry it's been so long...

To my 3 loyal followers.... sorry it's been such a long time since I've blogged.
I can't even believe it's April already, seriously. It's not that there haven't been that many things I've hated or loved over the last few months, because believe me, I hate and love things on a daily basis. But life just gets in the way sometimes, even though it really shouldn't.
I'm back now, and ready to type.