Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hate: Characters

And I'm not talking about fictional people on television or in movies. I'm talking about the kind of person who when spoken about is described by another as, "oh him? I know! He's such a character".
I'm all for whatever you want to do, you do, cause you only get one life and you have to make the most of it. But that doesn't mean I won't point and laugh and still judge you in my mind.

Case in point: today on my way into work, I sat next to one of these so-called characters on the train. Black alligator loafers, black slacks, black button down shirt, skinny tie, royal blue blazer, one sterling silver ring on his right middle finger, one turquoise stoned ring on his ring finger, all of his nails grown long and filed pointy (ewwwww), curly long hair tied back in a ponytail, and a black fedora (and not a cute trendy Justin Timberlake type fedora).
I'm sorry, but if you leave the house like that, I will judge you. That's just the way I am. I'm not going to say something to your face. I won't publicly give you a dirty look, but I will probably look at you a little too long and make assumptions in my head. Cause once you leave the house like that, you're just asking for it.
I was trying to figure out where someone goes at 9 in the morning on a weekday looking like that. Does he have an office job? I can't imagine it's too easy to type with those nails and just sit in a cubicle for 8-9 hours looking like you have better things to do like suck someone's blood or practice shooting fangs out of your jaw.
Could you be going to a job where you change into a uniform? Like a short order cook? Or Dunkin Donuts cashier? Or like Judge Reinhold's character in "Fast Times" where he tries to change out of the pirate outfit at the fast food joint? Again, the nails to me seem as though they'd be a health code violation when working with food.
Are you going on a job interview? If so, where? You can't possibly think someone's going to take you seriously with those nails, pony tail and fedora on a job interview. Unless it's maybe to be a host at a haunted house, or an MC at a goth circus.
I just can't think of too many places you could be going looking like that at 9 am. Visiting your mom? But if you're a vampire, maybe she is too, so therefore she's not awake yet. Although you've managed to leave the house during the day, so, I suppose anything's possible.

What a life that guy has.... he's such a character.

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