Monday, August 31, 2009

HATING: Many things right now

Hating so many things right now, I've created a list.
Note: I LOVE lists, and one day I will blog why.

Hating the following:
This office
Sitting inside on a super nice day
My direct boss (she's a goddam idiot and I have thought about punching her in the face, multiple times)
All the work that I have to do because my direct boss SUCKS
My discolored skin from the poison ivy
Eating healthy, although the other side of the coin is that I LOVE that I've lost 7 lbs... so I really can't win
My hair, I desperately need a haircut but the salon is closed on Mondays
Fake people (I always hate fake people)
People who insist on lying to my face
People who treat me and my friends like we're fucking retarded, cause apparently, I was hired to be retarded
The cold air that has been CONSISTENTLY blowing above me since 11am

The fact that it's only 3:38pm and I still have an hour and a half left in this hovel

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

HATE: Poison Ivy!!!!!

I would post you pictures of what my limbs look like right now, but they are so grotesque I don't want to cause anyone to vomit.

I hate poison ivy. This is my first time ever getting it, so I have nothing to compare it to, except maybe chicken pox. Yes, I feel that awful. I may not have an accompanying fever, but oh, how I ITCH!!!

I itch so badly, I wanna SCREAM!!! I itch so badly, I'm starting to itch everywhere, not just where I have poison ivy. I'm developing a rash on other parts of my body, just from scratching myself so hard where I do have poison ivy. I feel like I'm going MENTAL!!!! I look at myself and I want to CRY. I'm in week 3 of having it so it's barely beginning to go away, but I'm starting to resemble a burn victim. That's not meant to be funny or insulting to any burn victims out there, so my apologies. I just can't stand what I look like right now, especially when I'm naked. When I'm naked, I start feeling depressed. I can't stop scratching myself though! Believe me, I'm trying, but it's SO HARD!! I do feel like I've improved on restraining myself this past week, but I'm still nowhere near stopping myself. I feel like maybe I should be wearing oven mitts 24/7 just to ensure I have normal skin after this is all over with.

And what if I scar??? I can't even go there right now. I just need to focus on being patient and waiting this whole thing out. It seems to take an average person about 3 weeks to get over poison ivy. I'm unfortunately, not average and very, very Asian. This peculiar anomaly in my genetic make-up could potentially mean I'll be completely healed in about 4-5 weeks.

Prepare for a report-back in 2-3 more weeks on my skin update. Wish me luck.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Love: This sweater!!!


How cute? I'm picturing, black or grey leggings, this sweater, big black scarf wrapped around a couple of times, and boots.

Delish! Can't wait for the fall!!!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

LOVE: Laura Ling and Euna Lee back home where they belong

Euna Lee and Laura Ling embracing their families


I'm just so glad that they are home with their families now, back here in the States, and not imprisoned in godforsaken North Korea.

Thank you President Clinton, you did a really good thing. Considering Obama didn't have the time to take care of this awful situation.

Yay! Laura Ling and Euna Lee! Hooray! Now take some time off and enjoy your freedom!